The Guardians of Grayskull
Mailing List Member Page


       On this page, you shall find a list of known GoG (Guardians of Grayskull) members, and information about them. It will also give information on how to join and how to get your stats on this page; read on.
        First off, how to join the Mailing list: Send a message to with the word SUBSCRIBE in the body of the message. You will begin receiving messages from He-Fans all over the world in no time! To post a message to the list, simply send your message to
        Second off, if the moment arises where you no longer wish to be on the list, simply send a message back to, this time with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.
        And third off, to register here: fill out the form at the bottom of the page with a new nickname (not a used access the unused nickname page, click here.) I will update the information ASAP. Remember: you have the choice of registering as a non-MotU character.   Now explore! And remember...HAVE FUN!!! (: To view the current member stats, click on the object relating to the group of characters you wish to see below.
The Eternian ArmyThe Great Rebellion
The Great Rebellionthe Eternian Army
The Mirror of Allies
The Evil Horde
The Vile Snake MenThe Evil Horde
The Vile Snake MenSkeletor's Evil Allies

If you are having trouble picking out a nickname for yourself, try taking a look at the unused nicknames list. There are plenty there to choose from :)


Once you have subscribed to the mailing list, announced your arrival to everyone on the list, and chose a nickname that is not already in use, then fill out this form and you will be added to this list of members. Hint: Do not hit enter after filling in each answer, just hit submit when you have filled in the entire form.




Where do you live?:

Pic URL:

Email Address:


Nickname Category:

Webpage URL:


NOTE: Filling out this form will not subscribe you to the mailing list. To do that, you must send the email to the address mentioned above. This is to be filled out after you have subscribed to the mailing list. Thank you!

Please note that Adam Osgood/LightHope has the power to negate ANYONE from gaining a name.

This Guardians of Grayskull site is owned by ListMaster...LightHope!. 

Want to join the Guardians? 
"By the Power and Honor of Grayskull...We Are the Guardians!"
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