On this page, you shall find a list of known
GoG (Guardians of Grayskull) members, and information about them. It will
also give information on how to join and how to get your stats on this
page; read on.
First off, how to join the Mailing list: Send a message to heman-list-request@hypenet.com
with the word SUBSCRIBE in the body of the message. You will begin receiving
messages from He-Fans all over the world in no time! To post a message
to the list, simply send your message to heman-list@hypenet.com.
Second off, if the moment arises where you no longer wish to be on the
list, simply send a message back to heman-list-request@hypenet.com,
this time with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.
And third off, to register here: fill out the form at the bottom of the
page with a new nickname (not a used one...to access the unused
nickname page, click
here.) I will update the information ASAP. Remember: you have the choice
of registering as a non-MotU character.Now explore! And remember...HAVE
FUN!!! (:To view
the current member stats, click on the object relating to the group of
characters you wish to see below.
If you are having trouble picking out a nickname
for yourself, try taking a look at the
unused nicknames list. There are plenty there to choose from :)
Once you have subscribed to the mailing list,
announced your arrival to everyone on the list, and chose a nickname that
is not already in use, then fill out this form and you will be added to
this list of members. Hint: Do not hit enter after filling in
each answer, just hit submit when you have filled in the entire form.