I have made a few improvements to the site. There are now additional links under the South Park link so you can view the Members of the Ministry and the Kane Photos seperately. I also urge everyone to join my own personal ministry on Yahoo! The link is at the bottom.

Real Name:Mark Callaway
Height: 6'10 1/2
Weight: 328lbs
Marital Status: Married to Jodi Lynne Callaway with two children, Vincent Gunner and Kevin Dakota.
Birthday: March 24, 1964
POB:Houston, Texas (Now resides in Nashville, Tennessee)
Finishing Move:Tombstone Piledriver
Titles Held:WWF Title(2x), USWA Unified Title, Texas Heavyweight Title, Co-holder of the WWF Tag Titles with Steve Austin.
Other Names:Mean Mark Callous, Master of Pain, Texas Red, Punisher, Punisher Dice Morgan, Kane the Undertaker

Real Name:Glenn Jacobs
Height:7' (More like 6'9" because of lifters in his boots.)
Weight:325 lbs
Marital Status:Married with 2 step-daughters
Birthday April 21st, 1967
POB:Madrid, Spain (His father was stationed there.Now resides in Knoxville, Tennessee.))
Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver
Titles Held: USWA Unified Title, Co-Holder of the SMW tag team Title with Leif Cassidy, WWF Heavyweight Title, Co-Holder of the WWF Tag Team Title with Mankind.(2x)
Other Names: Isaac Yankum DDS, Fake Diesel, Doomsday, Unibomb, Christmas Creature


February 19th, 1999
Expect to see some interesting things happen on RAW and HEAT this week. They both will be coming from the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, Tennessee. (I WAS THERE WHEN IT ALL WENT DOWN!!!)
McMahon came out with Kane and addressed how The Undertaker had treated his son like a delivery boy and had said that the Ministry would own the WWF. Vinnie told 'Taker that on RAW the next evening (Actually within the next hour and 45 minutes)he would face Kane in an Inferno Match. (When they lit the ring for this segment, all sides but one would light.)At the end of HEAT, Bossman wasa taking on Viscera when members of the Corporation came down to beat on Viscera. Almost immediately the lights went out and the Ministry was surrounding the ring. The fire surrounded the ring as Kane locked eyes with his brother who was standing on the walkway.
The Inferno Match was wild, but didn't last too long. Undertaker caught Kane's foot outside the ring and placed it in the flames where it caught fire. During this match, McMahon was doing commentary when Paul Bearer brought something to him in a box. Vince opened it to reveal an old teddy bear. Vince seemed visibly upset about this. After the match, 'Taker took the bear, set it on fire, and threw it up the ramp way. Vince then crawled on his hands and knees and layed crying in front of the bear.
My only question is this. What is the significance of the teddy bear? By the way, Kane's height is more exaggerated than I thought. I was standing next to the barricade when he walked by and he was only about 4 to 5 inches taller than I am. AND I'M 6 FOOT TALL EVEN!!!!

February 8th, 1999
The Ministry is running Rampant through the WWF! Not only does The Undertaker have The Acolytes, Mideon, and Viscera (Mabel), he now has THE BROOD at his diposal!! Who can stop the Ministry? In my opinion only one person can, but unfortunately at the moment he is tied up in some CORPORATE problems. If you get my drift.

January 29th, 1999
Since the ROCK BOTTOM Pay-Per-View, not a great deal has happened with the DVB until here recently. Kane has been having internal conflicts with the rest of the Corporation, reaching a peak when he refused to throw a match against The Rock. But it seems that everything has been ironed out since Kane choke-slammed X-Pac after being invited to join DX.

To quote Shang Tsung, "IT HAS BEGUN!!" The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness is running rampant through the WWF. Already 'Taker has enlisted the Acolytes, Mabel , and Dennis Knight (Mideon). Look for the Brood to join up this Monday night. Until next time, see ya on the Darkside.

January 6th, 1999
Happy New Year Everybody!!! Sorry about the delay in updates, but I had a week of finals and then I was out on Christmas vacation, but now I am back and ready to take care of business.
There is no sense in boring you to death with the updates that I have missed, by now you know of the crucifixion of Austin, the burying of The Undertaker, and Kane's joining of Team Corporate, so I'll just get to the new stuff.
Kane is really and trully the laughing stock of the Corporation. Patterson and Brisco are always making fun of him and putting stupid signs on his back. Kane finally got is last Monday when Vinnie Mac allowed him to take out a little aggression on the 2 Stooges. But when Kane went after Shane, Vince threatened to have him sent back to the mental ward. It's real obvious to me that Kane does not want to be in the Corporation, but really doesn't have much of a choice. I believe that he will get out, one way or another.
Nobody has seen or heard from The Undertaker since he got buried alive at ROCK BOTTOM. Sources say that he should return within the next few weeks and that he will have a suprise for us all. I guess that we will just have to see that.

The Undertaker was one of four wrestlers to grace the covers of TV Guide the week of December 3rd. To read the article about The Undertaker, click here.

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