Preteen Alli has had a crush on Another World's Jake practically since she was born, and Jake has alawys had a soft spot in his heart for her. How could he not? She is one of the few people who accepts him just the way he is, imperfections and all -- not to mention the fact that she pledged her love and then informed him that she would one day marry him.
AW didn't forget this small but important detail after Jake and Vicky became engaged. After they told Vicky's family, Jake headed straight over to the Cory mansion to tell Alli. He didn't want her hearing the news from anyone else. He sat her down, looked her right in the eye and gently explained what was going on. You could almost hear her little hear break. Jake sensed her pain, so he stayed, taking the time to address all of her questions and concerns (Alli had hoped Jake would marry her mother, Amanda, and they would all be together), making sure that she was ok before he left.
It's difficult to determine who found the discussion more painful -- Jake or Alli. Tom Eplin (Jake) has always had a wonderful rapport with the children on the show, and they are scenes I always look forward to; but his tenderness and compassion shone during this sweet moment. He took what could have been a throwaway scene -- one that didn't really further any storyline -- and tugged at our heartstrings.