Here's some trivia on the movie. This is sent through e-mail. Do not press enter after filling out one of the little boxes, but you can press Control to go to the next boxy majiger. The ones that are starred you may have to know a little something about the real ship.
Your e-mail please (so I can send you your results):
1. What is Rose's last name, at current time?
2. What is Leonardo DiCaprio's first line?
3. What is Kate Winslet's first line?
4. How big was the largest model of Titanic used for the movie?(in feet)

5. The smaller model?(In feet)
*6. Which of the following passengers in the movie were actual passengers on Titanic?
Ruth DeWittBukater
Molly Brown
Jack Dawson
Rose DeWittBukater
Madeline Astor
Countess of Rothes
Benjamin Guggenheim
Ida Straus
7. Who plays Ruth DewittBukater?
8. What is Cora's ("You're still my best girl, Cora")last name?

Okay, I'll be adding some more questions VERY VERY VERY VERY soon, so do come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!