The Sinking
You are a first class passenger aboard Titanic. It is April 14, 1912, at aproximately 11:40 PM. You are in your room taking off your jewelry and getting ready for bed (if you are a guy...well... just pretend...). You feel a shutter and hear a faint cutting sound. Figuring it is nothing, you go on with what you are doing. About 15 or 20 minutes later, you are told to put on your lifejackets and head out to the main deck. You still think it is no big deal... just some precautions that the captain is taking..... whatever it might be, everything is fine. Now it around 11:05 or 11:10. The officers start shouting for women and children to get into the lifeboats. Now you are starting to realize that it might be something serious. Why would you go off and float around in the middle of the ocean in a tiny little boat when you have the grandest ship in the world? The only explanation is if the grandest ship in the world. You know that there is only enough lifeboats for half the people on the ship. You are one of the lucky ones... you are a woman, and you are right next to one of the lifeboats. So when the orders are given for women and children to get in the lifeboats, you carefully climb into the little white boat - Lifeboat 7. It doesn't get lowered until 11:45. And, although you don't know this, it is the first lifeboat to be lowered. There is about 20 in your boat, and, knowing there is 20 lifeboats, you calculate that if 20 is the average number going into the lifeboats, then only 400 will be saved. But there is 2,200 people on the ship. Now it is starting to soak in. Everyone on the ship is in trouble and you know you are very lucky to be in the lifeboat. As your boat sits in the water, rowing away from the great unsinkable ship, you see rockets being shot into the air. It is a beautiful sight, but at the same time a horrible sight. You sit there and watch the front of the ship gradually get lower and lower into the water, and you thank God you are not on the ship. Now you have beenm sitting in the boat for almost an hour, and the rockets stop. More than a half an hour more of just sitting and waiting (for what? As said in the movie, "Afterwards, all the people in the lifeboats could do was wait.. wait to die.... wait to live... wait for an abosultion that would never come") and the lights go out. It is horrible to see... people have been jumping off the ship to save their lives, altough it kills some of them. You think "how could this happen to an unsinkable ship?" You start to cry. So many lives are being lost on Titanic... so many good people. You suddenly wish you could trade places with one of them... that you don't deserve to be saved, that someone else should be able to keep their life. At about 2:20, you see the beautiful ship plunge into the angry sea. You hear faint screams of pain. You see 1500 people flailing their arms to try to stay above water... people freezing to death. Only 3 people were saved from the freezing, unforgiving water. 3. At about 5:00, you board on the CARPATHIA, with the others who made it onto a lifeboat. With the other 705 people. You realize that 1500 people just died. You just watched 1500 people die, right in front of you, and you were powerless to stop it. You couldn't help one, not one of them. You know your life will never be the same.... after watching all those people die... you see no point in life, because you know you should have been one of them...
Okay enough imagining... just look at the pictures. Hey, wait, I have another "imagining activity" (don't ya feel like you've gone back in time to kindergarten???). Look at the pics, and PRETEND (don't you love to pretend? :P) that you actually saw that... it's okay...stop crying... okay forget the pretending stuff... I don't want you to cry... (SHUTUP, I know this is really stupid...)

Okay, okay, its from the movie. But I think it demonstrates what actually happened very well.

YES! IT IS another movie pic. Sorry, there arent any photos of Titanic sinking (duh)