Please take this survey so I know what people want on my page. By the way, this is sent through e-mail.
1. Your e-mail please?
2. Please check the following on what you think I should have on my page:
A list of all the passengers that were aboard Titanic.
A list of the Titanic officers, and information about them/what they did on that night.
Information on some of the more famous Titanic passengers.
Information on some of the survivors of Titanic.
Sounds from the movie.
Sounds : Things Cameron and the actors said.
Sounds : Things survivors said.
Links to other Titanic pages I think are cool.
3. On my "Pictures From The Movie" page, do you think I should:
Not show all the pictures, just have links for you to click on them if you want to see JUST that picture and not all the other ones?
Have the captions underneath the pictures, like I do now?
Have more pictures?
Put them in the order they happened in the movie?
Seperate them into 2 pages?
4. If you have any other thoughts on how to make my page more interesting, or to help you learn more, or, well, whatever you want, please write it below.

Thanks so much for taking the time to fill this form out. I promise to look your thoughts and try to make my page better for you, the way you want it. Thanks again!