What's Up with everybody here on the Information SuperHighway. My name is Chris Bender, and I've been on the Net for about a year now. I graduated last year from Annandale High School in Annandale, Va, where I learned everything I know about the Net, which as you can see isn't much. I am currently enrolled as a first-year at Mr.Jefferson's University, University of Virginia, trying to be a commerce major. I'm gonna try and put up some mp3's and other sports stuff, but because of time constraints (You know college!!!!), It probably won't be for awhile. What I do have on this site is pretty cool: Links, my Now-Outdated, Strike-Ridden Wizards Pic's Page, my Moon Page, and my Howard Stern Page. So Enjoy!
Class of '98 - This is my classes site. It's pretty cool!
Robert Le - dRaGoN69's got mp3's, warez's, and some cool pics!
Maysam Nezhadi - "The Sniper." He's got some cool pics!
Vince Guyomard - This Canadian's got some cool links!
Stuart Williams - German freak! His site has some cool pics and some german stuff!
Andy Vuong - His site is completely devoted to himself!
Ryan Griswold - His site's all about soccer and country music!
Meredith Tunick - Just a beginner on the Net, she's got a cool site about Internet Filters!
Erin Freeman - The Future Valedictorian of my class, and another beginner, her site is very informational!