Two strips of sik satin, 9-11 mm and 13-14 mm wide from the second quarter of the 14th century found at excavations at Baynard's Castle (Crowfoot p 174)
Two examples of strips of cloth that were applied as decoration to other fabrics. "Each has narrow turnings along the length of the strip and stitching holes, and they appear to have been hemmed in place. One strip has a short end also turned under and displays evidence of many stitches, perhaps for holding a circular, disc-like ornament in place." (Crowfoot, p175-176)
Source: Crowfoot, Elisabeth, et al. Medieval Finds From Excavations in London vol 4: Textiles and Clothing 1150-1450. Boydell Press: Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, 2001 (Museum of London)
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