Jean-Claude Van Damme

"The Muscles from Brussels"

Welcome to my Van Damme Page!

What can I say about Van Damme that hasn't already been said! I love this man and every movie he has ever made, as if that was hard to figure out :)

He was born Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg in Sint-Agatha Berchem, Flanders, Belgium , (sometimes credited as Brussels, Belgium) on October 18, 1960. He changed his name to Frank Cujo at the begining of his career, then later changed it to Jean-Claude Van Damme (which I like a lot better).

I would like to hear your comments. Just click on my address below to send me a message... and sorry that this page hasn't been updated in a while, I haven't had a lot of time to gather information and such, but I promise as soon as I do I will update it! :)


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Here are a few of my favorite pics of Van Damme!!!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Here are more pics of Van Damme!

Information I have gathered on Van Damme

A list of movies Van Damme has been in!!!

Linda Tresham's House of Magazine Back Issues & Collectibles... click here for a great site to get back orders of magazines (any you could think of).... :o)

Information about me...

Here are links to my favorite group's sites... enjoy!!!

Check this site out... it has some beautiful graphics... and it's maintained by someone whom I consider a good friend!!! :) *Rob... told ya I would put a link on here... lol*

Here are even more pics of Van Damme! ENJOY!!!!

Here is a list of various links on the web!

Click here to read the quotes that I found online... that I fell in love with!!! I will always try to add more!!!

Here is a page that has the lyrics to some of my favorite songs! It is still under construction!!!

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