My Keanu Waves Page

I've finally had some time to work on this page, so here for your enjoyment, I bring you more Keanu wavs, some from his movies, others from tv or radio interviews.

To save the wave without listening to it first, press your shift key and click.

A Walk In The Clouds Waves

Amore.wav Paul learns to serenade the lovely Victoria with a little help from her grandfather.

Grapes.wav Here Paul and Victoria "Crush the Grapes."

Likehell.wav Victoria's father is a little upset when he hears of her marriage to Paul Sutton.

Loveher.wav Paul asks "Why can't you just love her, she's so easy to love."

Orphan.wav Don Pedro tells Paul that he is "an orphan no longer."


Thankyou.wav Victoria thanks Paul for what he is doing for her.

Thepope.wav Alberto threatens to go to the Pope himself to get the marriaga annulled.

Johnny Mnemonic Waves





Deadman.wav "I'm a dead man, if I don't get this outta my head."

Doneth.wav Johnny wants to know if the fish has ever "done this".

Dumppast.wav Johhny explains that he had to dump a chunk of his memory.

Justjohn.wav Johnny explains about his name.


Longterm.wav Johnny explains he's dumped a chunk of long term memory.

Nedcmptr.wav Johnny is in need of a computer!

Ottahead.wav Johnny needs to get something out of his head!

Shootme.wav Johnny tells the bad guys that they can't shoot him.

Worth.wav Johnny is being told what he carries and what it means to the world.

Bill and Ted Waves

Noway.wav No way!

Whoa.wav Whoa!

Learn.wav Bill and Ted talk about gettng Eddie Van Halen.

Cat.wav Aim for the cat dude, aim for the cat!

Chubby.wavTed has a Full On Robot Chubby!

Circlek.wav Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

Dust.wav All we are is Dust in the wind Dude!

Bogus.wav This is Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter saying "Bogus" in Bill and Ted's

Excellent Adventure.

Excelnt.wav Another wav of them saying "Excellent", also from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Feeling Minnesota Waves


Funway.wav Keanu talks about making Feeling Minnesota.



Bullseye.wav The famous "Bullseye" wave. This one features Cameron Diaz, with lots if heavy breathing from Keanu!

HiHoney.wav Keanu or should I say Jjaks greets his lady love with the "Hi Honey, I'm home!"

Whisper.wav Keanu as Jjaks urges his guests to please "whisper" as his wife is sleeping.

Dogstar Waves

Breathe.wav A short wave of Dogstar singing Breathe Tonight from their OLV CD.

Forgive.wav Another fairly short wave of Dogstar singing Forgive also from their OLV CD.

Pray.wav Yet another wave of Dogstar singing And I Pray from their OLV CD.

TV Interviews

B&T Doll.wav This is a short wave from the Rosie O'Donell Sho(Oct 97). She is offering Keanu the "Ted" doll from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Binky.wav This is Keanu and Jay Leno talking about their Binky's. *S* Also from Oct 97 I think.

Peepee.wav This is from Dogstar's appearance on the Howard Stern show (Oct. 97)