Believers Message Board

Hi fellow Believers and welcome to the Believers' message board. This was recently at Janet's Profiler Page, but since she doesn't have the time to maitain the site, she handed the message board over to me. Thanks Janet!

If you believe that Sam & John should be together then this is the place for you, if not then go no further.... you have been warned !!

There are just a couple of groundrules:

1. You can put your reply just in the subject line if you wish, but if you want to write a longer reply please put (r) at the end of the subject line to indicate that there is more to the message.

2. No anonymous posts please.

3. If you think your message may be a bit risque` please put a rating in your original message and put the rest of the message in the reply if you are posting a new message. If you are replying to a message put the rating at the end of the subject line.

4. Finally, please no flaming .... I don't expect any of the Believers to post anything that could be considered a flame but if anyone else has any intentions of posting deliberately inflamatory messages to the board -- don't bother because I'll just delete it, so you'll be wasting your time.

Well I think that just about covers everything.... have fun !

The Message Board