Welcome to CJ's Homepage

A little about myself:

I live in Minnesota. I am currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and have been doing quite a bit of computer programming in a number of languages. I work for and engineering firm doing software engineering. I am currently on contract with a metal finishing company working with MS Excel and writing VBA code to enhance the features of Excel. I was also in the Air National Guard.

My favorite things are cars of any type; I am a total car nut. But then I basically like any machine. I love the way they are put together and what they can do, mostly I like taking them apart and seeing how they work then reassembling them. A page about the CARS I have owned.

My favorite actress is Melissa Joan Hart. She was the star of the WB's Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Below is a picture of myself, my friend Randy, and my previous car (from right to left).

Next are a front and rear view of my car, an 1981 Dodge Diplomat, on one of the roads cut out of the snow during the winter of 1995.

The dip finally died after a couple years in storage. It will be missed. I now have a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited.

And finally is a picture of my motorcycle, an 1980 Honda CB650C. Unfortunately living in North Dakota I don't get enough riding time, darn snow.

A list of my top twenty favorite actresses

Now on to a couple of pictures and links of my favorite star:

Melissa Joan Hart

More Melissa pictures

Here are some links to a couple sites dedicated to this lovely lady.

Donald's Melissa Joan Hart Pages

A great archive site

Hearts for a Hart

Link to other links

Email me at: cjnclar@yahoo.com

ICQ # 50515553
AOL IM: cjdiplomat

Any pictures of a non-personal matter have mostly come from the internet or email. If any of these belong to you please email me so that I may give you credit for them.

A sound bite from Marcus a character from the TV series Babylon 5

Don't click the cat if you know what's good for you. He doesn't like being clicked.

Get ThingViewer Here - Thanks to Tony Tzankoff Productions for having this installer. Visit His Site.

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

For some reason Geocities changed the way guestbooks were signed and never bothered to tell me. I'm not sure how many people tried to sign it and couldn't. I apologize to those who tried. I've kept the link to the old book for those who were successful in signing it for the short time it was active. View the Old Guestbook

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