Here are some great sound archives of Alicia being interviewed by many different people, as you'll see Alicia has a great personality and has a really great attitude on everything she talks about, so please have a listen.

To listen to the sound archives all you need to do is click on the file, yes it's that easy to listen to real Alicia interviews.

 Alicia 1.wav
After all the hype surrounding Excess Baggage how do feel about the premiere?
Some people feel that you are only young and haven't earned the chance for production what are your thoughts?
In Excess Baggage you portray a smoker, do you think this is sending the wrong message to the youth of today?
What are you thoughts on the media always talking about your weight?
Was it embarrassing when Jim Carey kissed you at the 97 MTV movie awards?
Do you think your love of acting will grow as you mature?
What do you do to relax?
 Interview About Cher

 Interview About Hideaway


Alicia Interviewed By.......Tv Guide Online

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