Carrie Fisher a Playboy Bunny?
Carrie Fisher a Playboy Bunny? Well the obvious answer is no. If you don't know why read Carrie Fisher nude but, the more complicated answer is to a degree yes.LOL Here is a wav file of Carrie singing "My Guy" [390K] please note the sound quality isn't all that good and the file has been edited for space. This is all from Laverne and Shirley enjoy!
Here are some quick notes about the episode:
- Carrie played a Playboy Bunny named Cathy.
- Hugh Heffener [sp???] also was in the episode
- The picture I have on this page is from when someone asked Cathy to light
Hugh Heffener's lamp.
- Cathy also sings "My Guy" to Heffener.
- Laverne had to signal to Cathy to smile and rub Hugh's hair. Also Laverne
had to pick up Cathy to put her on the piano and cross her legs for her.
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