Paula Stevens

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Paula Stevens
Portrayed by
Laura Harring

Actor History
: Laura Harring (January 1997 to December 1997)
Occupation: Police Officer
Resides At: Moved to San Francisco
Marital Status: Single
Past Marriages: None; once engaged to Ricardo Torres.
Relatives: Elaine Stevens (Mother)
Lorenzo Martinez (Father)
Gabi Martinez (Half Sister)
Cole Deschanel (Half Brother)
Children: None
& Affairs
: Ricardo Torres
Crimes Committed: None
Brief Character History: Paula fell in love with Ricardo, a reformed "ladies man". When her sister, Gabi, came to town, she had put doubts into Paula’s mind about Ricardo’s faithfulness. Paula left Ricardo because of her sister's accusations.
Paula was kidnapped by Eddie Connors (although no one ever found out he was the kidnapper). Eddie turned Paula over to Ralph Myers, a serial killer who was previously arrested by Paula. Ralph tried to kill Paula but she was rescued at the last minute by Ricardo. Paula still had troubling memories from the ordeal. When Gabi implied that Ricardo was with another woman the night she was kidnapped, Paula found out that the other woman was Gabi. Gabi accused Ricardo of rape. Paula sided with her sister. The accusations were proven false. Paula left town because she felt guitly for doubting Ricardo.