Newsies is a registered trademark of Walt Disney Pictures. The musical, all images, characters, and materials displayed on these pages are copyright 1992 of the Walt Disney Company, Inc.

The materials which are the properties of the Walt Disney Company are used in this page without permission. The maintainer of this page is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Walt Disney Company. It is not the intention of the maintainer to extract profit from this page, or to infringe upon the copyright; this site is not a commercial site.

All characters in the stories not property of Walt Disney Company are copyright of Kid Gem. Copyright 1997. I don't mind if you use my character(s), but PLEASE ask me first!

All characters in the story "Nut House Newsies" are copyright of their respective authors.

The Newsies Weekly is copyright of Kid Gem. Please do not copy my idea because it's just wrong!

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