This is our page dedicated to natures beverage. A drink that you can come home and say to yourself. "Self...I think I need a beer". Now we may be partial to Canadian beer, but we will try to be as impartial as we can. I know what you may be thinking, these two guys are just two alcoholic Canadian eskimos who sit on their ass, watch hockey and eat back bacon all day". Well I as much as I like hockey and back bacon, you just can't eat them both at the same time, it takes away from the entire experience. and besides, the bacon does take a little away from the taste of the beer. Thanks EH!!

  • Beer Facts
  • Diferentiate Between Types of Beer
  • Different Ways of Testing Your Beer Quality
  • Jokes n' Stuff
  • Our Awards Page

  • Rating System

  • 10-The worlds perfect beer, probably imposible to achieve, if there was the perfect beer, there would no longer be a point to the web page now would there.

  • 9-Most likely the highest rank that we will end up giving, this beer would constitute an excelent quality with an economical price.

  • 8-This beer would have excelent quality with a bad price, or vice versa.

  • 7-This beer is the kind of quality beer you might find in Mexico. It is probably slightly watered down, but still tastes pretty good.

  • 6-Mainly a beer that comes from a 3rd or 2nd world country.

  • 5-A beer probably from some sweat shop in Central America. Mmmmmm SWEAT!!

  • 4-A beer that any Canadian would would not be able to keep down.

  • 3-An awful tasting beer, resembling something like piss.

  • 2-This is piss

  • 1-American Beer!!!.

    Canadian Beer Eh !!!

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