You may very well ask, as most people are wont to,
"What is a slide ruler?"
Well, this is a slide ruler:
A slide ruler is a precursor to the modern day computer. It calculates and performs operations for mathematicians.
Not many people nowadays have ever heard of a slide ruler, much less know what one looks like and what to do with it.
"And how does this connect to Benicio Del Toro?" you ask.
Horrifying as it is to contemplate, not many people know who Benicio Del Toro is, much less what he looks like.
But, luckily, I'm here to represent the multitude of fans who have not been able to express their appreciation of Benicio.
Here's a few more images of him:
Images courtesy of The Benicio Del Toro Zone.
Now what you choose to do with Benicio is your business.