Benicio's Trigonometry
The Trigonometry of Benicio

Benicio Del Toro was born:

February 19, 1967
Santurce, Puerto Rico

Here are the astrological calibrations of Benicio's horoscope, as based on my knowledge of his birthdate and birthplace.

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As you can see, Benicio has his Sun in Pisces. Pisces is a mutable water sign, and indicates that his basic outlook on life is colored primarily by how he feels, and how he is able to reconcile his feelings with all of the other influences in his life. The sun in a major influence in every person's life, and Benicio finds that he is most at ease and most compatible with those who respond to him on an emotional level, as well as people whose viewpoints are not extraordinarily conservative or especially cutting edge. He wants to surround himself with easygoing human beings and, as indicated by his sun sign, he would be most at home spending a lazy day fishing on a pier somewhere quiet.

The Moon, the second greatest influence in Benicio's life, is to be found in Gemini. This is a placement in the horoscope which indicates lightning mood swings, an ever-changing emotional state, and a desire to experience the entire range of human emotions. Benicio would probably find his feelings about a given person subject to reevaluation quite often. With a mutable air sign like Gemini ruling the Moon, the planet of emotion, of roots, and of the psyche, natives like Benicio will find that emotions can and will be influenced by his mental state and his ability to reconcile both emotion and thought.

This is just a minor interpretation of Benicio's chart. More to come soon. . .


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