* All files are in RealAudio. If you don't have it you can download it here: Real.com *
Telling stories and putting them to music are important ways in which Newfoundlanders stay in touch with their heritage and pass it on
from one generation to another.
The people of Newfoundland know how to kick up their heels and have a good time or spontaneously tell a yarn that can leave you in
stiches. A love for their own culture has inspired a strong storytelling and song writing tradition.
It is but a natural consequence that folk songs composed in Newfoundland should have as their main theme the experiences of a race
that has earned its livelihood from the sea.
Language is a significant part of Newfoundland culture. Numerous speech patterns and accents truly set Newfoundland apart from
other Canadian provinces. Hundreds of dialects, especially in the outports, are as rich as any poem and as lyrical as any song.
Most Newfoundlanders also seem to possess the ability to speak rather fast. Listen to these musical examples to see what I mean.
Mari-Mac, End of The World and Rattlin' Bog.
I would say that for most Newfoundlanders this song sums up what "The Rock" is all about: Song For Newfoundland.