This is Kevin and Maria Kubota - married as of 8/5/00. Kevin works for Applied Industrial Technologies and Maria is a middle school band/choir director at Clifton. They were both part of the drumline at 'SC and Maria was a roomate of mine! They are both very much into music and football.
This is Heather (aka Barney). She played #4 and #2 bass drum. She interned at Skywalker Sound, worked for Pixar, and is now doing sound somewhere here in LA.
Mr. Happy to some, Beth to the rest, is a 6th grade teacher. She and I used to do some chinging together in the drumline.
This is the infamous, Birnkrant 4th Floor of 95-96. We got to a little bit trouble and had a lot of fun. We don't get to see each other often, so keep in touch!!