Released 1994
Stars Elijah Wood, Bruce Willis, Jon Lovitz, Mathew McCurley, Jason Alexander,
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Directed by Rob Reiner
- I have no idea why Rob Reiner, or anyone else, wanted to make this story into a movie,
and close examination of the film itself is no help. "North" is one of the most
unpleasant, contrived, artificial, cloying experiences I've had at the movies. To call it
manipulative would be inaccurate; it has an ambition to manipulate, but fails. The film
stars Elijah Wood, who is a wonderful young actor. Here he is stuck in a story that no
actor, however wonderful, however young, should be punished with. He plays a kid with
inattentive parents, who decides to go into court, free himself of them, and go on a
worldwide search for nicer parents.
I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every
simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that
thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that
anyone would be entertained by it. I hold it as an item of faith that Rob Reiner is a
gifted filmmaker; among his credits are "This is Spinal Tap," "The Sure
Thing," "The Princess Bride," "Stand by Me," "When Harry Met
Sally" and "Misery." I list those titles as an incantation against this
one. "North" is a bad film - one of the worst movies ever made. But it is not by
a bad filmmaker, and must represent some sort of lapse from which Reiner will recover -
possibly sooner than I will.
Summary by Roger Ebert