(9/4/98)Have updated his news...a wonderful news for Lalita and Willy's fans...please read..at his news.
(8/24/98)Sorry I didn't update much...but I am starting school right now and quite busy...I only updated his fan clubsection for my fan club friends and P'Jenns...she should have very cool things going on there...like his pix and stuff...check out at Jenn's Willy McIntosh World...have fun and sorry...I will try to update more and add more pictures I will add from follow the heart and fire lung and jak-fun-su-ni-run-don...I hope to add it soon...sorry again...school is also important...come again soon...bye na ja!!!
I have added all the fan's name in the fan section and have created a new page for it...I am hopefully hoping to update more, but it seems as though nothing much is going on...thanks and come again!!!
Today, I have updated Siriem's profile , added Willy's new lakorn...Jak-fun-su-ni-run-don...I dont know why it is so late for the movie to come to America, it should have been here last Thursday...well, hope that it will be here soon...I hope this Thursday (8/6/98)...well, come again!!!