Pregnant LaDy

For a laugh...and a different perspective on things....
A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus.
When she notised a young man smilling at her,she bagan feeling humilated on
account of her condition.
She changed the seat once again and the young man was still
more amused. On her forth move he burst out laughing.
She had him areested.

When the case came before the court, the young amn's act was questioned
His reply was : "When the lady boarded the bus i couldn't help notising she was pregnant. She sat under an advertisement which read
"Coming soon,the Gold Dust twins."
Then she moved under one that read
"Sloans liniments remove sweeling."
I was even more amused when she sat under a shaving
advertisement which read
"William Stick,did the trick."
Then i could't control myself when on the forth move she sat under an
advertisement which read
"Dunlop Rubber would have prevented this accident."
He won this case.