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WELCOME TO Eing and Jie's Robin Shou Page

This page is dedicated to Robin Shou, a great martial artist-cum-actor. This is also for all of Robin's fans. We hope you will enjoy this page, and find out for youself how incredible Robin Shou is.


27th February 2003

Hi all! Eing here. This is my first my assessing this page after...almost TWO years. I really don't have the time to do much to this page nowadays...I can't believe that I am actually a first year undergrad in university this year. Time flies. Seems like yesterday I built up this page. Anyway, I was reading our dreambook and I feel so appreciated by everyone's entries. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I am very very glad I set up this page. I still think really highly of Robin...Robin Shou rulez! :> Do enjoy finding your way around our page.

13th May 2001

Hi everyone! This is Eing. I'll like to apologise for not updating this page in such a long time. The truth is, I am too busy with school work and stuff. Therefore, if you are looking for latest information of Robin, do try some of our links. Meanwhile, look around what we have done to our page. Although not updated, I think it is still pretty neat. :> It is our dedication to Robin.

To Giselle :

I think you are probably too busy with everything right now. However, if you happen to visit this page again and see this message, do mail me. I really hope that we can still keep in touch. My e-mail address is still the same one...the hotmail one, that is. Just in case, it is p_eing@hotmail.com

luv always


26 December 2000

This is sadly, the last update of this year (sad because I haven't looked at this page in over a year). It's me, "Jie" (Giselle), and I feel really bad about neglecting this page. All the updates have been done by Eing, who I also haven't talked to in about a year. Actually, I almost forgot about this page until someone just e-mailed me recently giving kind comments about this page. It then hit me that this is more than a webpage for me, it's a reminder of friendship with my friend overseas. I want to apologize to Eing, wherever she is, for not keeping in touch. And I want to apologize to everyone else for not being very involved (I have been busy in my freshman year in college, and I'm sure Eing has been too). But Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thanks for keeping this page alive.


21st March 2000

This is the first update of the millenium. Not much news about Robin though. For those of you who had visited the Official Robin Shou Page, you'll know that Robin is back from Hong Kong, and he's working on something. Whatever, his new project is, I hope it'll be out soon! Can't wait! :>

Just to have something new for the new millenium, I've updated the Other Stuff page.

I'll see what I can do to give this page a discreetly different look. :> If I can, I'll do it in these few days, since my exams are just over.

Last of all, have a nice day and don't forget to SIGN OUR DREAMBOOK!!!


Robin Shou

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This Robin Shou fanpage is maintained by Giselle(Jie) and Pey Eing(Eing)

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