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Test your knowledge in the Leon quiz. If you get answer all the questions correctly you can move onto the next level. Once you have read the question and selected your answer simply click on the button by your choice to see if your right. If you don't get full marks press restart to have another go at the current level.

1. Who wrote and directed Leon ?

Luc Besson Eric Serra Gary Oldman Thierry Arbogast

2. Norman Stansfield is a crooked officer for which organisation ?

F.B.I. C.I.A. D.E.A. N.Y.P.D.

3. Leon was shot on location in which city ?

New York Paris Chicago Los Angeles

4. How many cartons of milk does Mathilda buy for Leon ?

One Two Three Four

5. What role does Danny Aiello play in the film ?

Benny Stansfield Malky Tony

6. What is the last weapon a cleaner learns to use ?

Rifle Knife Revolver Grenade