Hey guys, this is, quite obviously, my webpage. There's no other possible reason for someone being nice enough to visit my page unless they are one of my friends, so hi everyone. Don't make fun of me when you're writing me an email saying hi, which I know you're gonna do because we all know how much I love getting notes, and you all are here to make me happy, so write me. *Thanks. I dove you guys.*

It seems I'm one member of a large group of my friends who have suddenly decided to get on the bandwagon and make a web page, so pretty soon I'll have a page dedicated to my friends and their pages.

I've been amassing a pretty big collection of photos here at home and I don't see some of you often enought to show them to you, so I'm gonna be using the handy dandy scanner at school to put up some photos of me and my buds.

I'm also addicted to jokes, especially blond jokes...no, I don't find them offensive, although I should. Here's some of my favorites, well actually, almost all of the jokes I've ever come across on the internet. Russell sent me most of these. Thanks hon. If you don't know Russell, click on him to see him :)