The host tells us, the viewers, that rare footage of a debate filmed during the war is about to be seen. The two debaters (who's names will be familiar to any Canadians) are discussing the conscription crisis. The host adds a little English propoganda regarding the crisis...
The debate begins- On the left, French Canadian Grandpappy Bouchard, and on the right, a British nationalist named Grandpa Manning.
While Manning shrieks in a high pitched and utterly annoying voice about the need for Canadians to be involved in WW1, Bouchard claims that he doesn't want to fight in some British war, he just wants to "drink my French wine and eat my French cheese".*
The debate heats up, ethnic insults are hurled, and it eventually turns violent...luckily Bouchard gets away by climbing under the table.
*The "French wine" and "French cheese" are really German wine (the flag is visible on the label) and Kraft singles slices.