
(If the pic doesn't show up, try clicking on it. Drawn by Lisa.)

--Name: Hysteria McFeather
--Age: 22
--Birthday: 4-18-76
--Sex: Female
--Height: 5' 4"
--Weight: 129

--Description: Shoulder length golden blond hair, bluish green eyes and gray feathers

--Personality: Doesn't believe in her self, gentle, easily surprised

--Skills: fixing machines, rinked (a sport played on Puckworld)

--Overheard: Well, pluck me like a turkey and call me ThanksGiving dinner if i'm wrong


Rinked- A popular sport on Puckworld, were a duck shoots as many pucks as he or she can into a basket on the wall that is either 4, 6, or 7 feet off the ground in 60 seconds. The lowest basket is 1 point, highest 3 points, middle 2. Which ever duck scores the most wins the game.

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