Top Twenty Signs You're In Love With Luke Skywalker

Top Twenty Signs You're Secretly In Love With Luke Skywalker
  1. You have more pix of him than your family
  2. You think you are Akanah, Callista, Gaeral Captison, Shira Brie, Jem Ysanna, Tenenial Djo, or Tanith Shire.
  3. You silk-screen his name and face on your underwear
  4. You refuse to watch any Mark Hamill movie where he is not playing Luke (Probably a good idea anyways)
  5. You have created an alternate reality in your mind where you and Luke have torrid affairs and 4-ways with Han and Leia
  6. Your friends refer to you as Mrs. Skywalker
  7. You have tried to interest Ggeorge Lucas in making the "Naked Luke Skywalker Whipped Cream Holiday Special."
  8. You refer to him as "Lukiebuns"
  9. You name your sandwich Mr. Hottie Skywalker
  10. You wish you were Marilou Hamill
  11. You buy CCG cards solely for the purpose of finding his
  12. Whenever someone makes a Mark Hamill crack you punch them in in the face and scream, "You take that back right now!!!!!"
  13. However, you dislike Mark Hamill anyways because, in your opinion, "Luke would never do that!"
  14. You own a Luke Skywalker cardboard stand up. Or two. Or fifty.
  15. You go into wild orgasms whenever he whines
  16. Whenever you change a diaper, you start thinking, "Dang! I wish Luke was here."
  17. Suddenly your naked pictures of Han Solo seem so childish
  18. You own every single Luke action figure
  19. You slow down the tape of ESB when he gets to Dagobah so you can look at his butt in slow-motion

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