Top Twenty Signs You're In Love With Luke Skywalker
Top Twenty Signs You're Secretly In Love With Luke Skywalker
- You have more pix of him than your family
- You think you are Akanah, Callista, Gaeral Captison, Shira Brie, Jem Ysanna, Tenenial Djo, or Tanith Shire.
- You silk-screen his name and face on your underwear
- You refuse to watch any Mark Hamill movie where he is not playing Luke (Probably a good idea anyways)
- You have created an alternate reality in your mind where you and Luke have torrid affairs and 4-ways with Han and Leia
- Your friends refer to you as Mrs. Skywalker
- You have tried to interest Ggeorge Lucas in making the "Naked Luke Skywalker Whipped Cream Holiday Special."
- You refer to him as "Lukiebuns"
- You name your sandwich Mr. Hottie Skywalker
- You wish you were Marilou Hamill
- You buy CCG cards solely for the purpose of finding his
- Whenever someone makes a Mark Hamill crack you punch them in in the face and scream, "You take that back right now!!!!!"
- However, you dislike Mark Hamill anyways because, in your opinion, "Luke would never do that!"
- You own a Luke Skywalker cardboard stand up. Or two. Or fifty.
- You go into wild orgasms whenever he whines
- Whenever you change a diaper, you start thinking, "Dang! I wish Luke was here."
- Suddenly your naked pictures of Han Solo seem so childish
- You own every single Luke action figure
- You slow down the tape of ESB when he gets to Dagobah so you can look at his butt in slow-motion
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