The Jelly Biehn Game

Here is the Jelly Biehn Game as played at Biehnfest I. The rules are you have to watch a Michael Biehn movie with a bunch of friends, have a really good time, and eat Jelly Biehns whenever one of the following conditions occurs:

Whenever Michael says:

"'Bout what?"

"Do as I say...

... exactly as I say"

"Do you understand?"

"Sounds like...

... a plan to me"

... fun to me"

"Sounds good to me"

"Are you...

... all right?"

... hurt"


"Trust me"

"That'll do it"

"What's the matter with you?"

"We don't need them"

"If it comes down to that..."

"Mmmnnn, that sounds interesting"

"Not yet"

"Yeah, I noticed"

"Oh, it is."



Whenever Michael:

Wears a headset

Has his face covered with camouflage

Runs down dark/slimy corridors


Jiggles the steering wheel while driving

Is shirtless

Double kisses

Gets shot

Eludes bad guys in parking garages

Carries/lifts a child

Yells dialogue

Gets bitten (personally, we think he must taste good!)

Wears boxers

Does that cute "skippy" step when he starts running


Covers his head with both hands/arms when under fire

Screams in pain

Flees down an alley with a woman while being shot at

Steals clothing

Fights on a rooftop (guns optional)

Returns in a car to rescue a woman from danger

Gets wet, goes near water or wears a wetsuit

Takes a nap

Gets into an argument

Goes crazy

Pulls a weapon but his 'victim' runs off before he can do anything

Is sarcastic to a character his character doesn't like

Ummm... did we mention: when wearing a wetsuit?

If you can think of anymore Jelly Biehn Moments, remember they have to be repeated at least twice in a different movie or tv show, then please email them to: