
Mozambique 2002-03

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For those of you who are interested to know exactly where Inhassoro is - check out this map. It's a tiny little one-street town in the middle of nowhere - it's fantastic! There's a campsite, the Seta, which is 5km down the beach from us and there's a market, a little bakery and not much else!

There were basically 12 of us in camp for most of the holiday. My mum, dad and I, the Durrads and Sean's friend Richard were the only ones there for Christmas. The Uptons joined us the day after boxing day and the Samuels brothers flew out from Cape Town to join us for New Year's. It was a great crowd and I really enjoyed spending time with all of them again - I really miss seeing them all now that I'm no longer in Zim.

The weather was amazing for the whole trip, we had a strong breeze all the time and no rain except for 2 or 3 showers last week Friday. Unfortunately, we didn't get to go across to Paradise Island at all this trip because we had problems with the boat and it was out of the water for quite a large part of the time we were there. We did go to BD (Bartholomieu Diaz) twice though which was cool as there are much bigger waves there and we could do some bodysurfing.

New Year's was actually fairly quiet this year. We ate a late supper (which helped the parents make it till 12) and had our own countdown and fireworks on the beach but I think we set off for Seta a bit too late. We only got there at half 2 and it was dead! Very disappointing as there are normally a lot more people around. However, we headed back home, continued our evening there, and I eventually got to bed at 5am after watching the sun come up.

One of the highlights of the trip took place on New Year's Day. We held our very own FEAR FACTOR! Sean Durrad came up with the brilliant idea of holding a Mozambiquan version of Fear Factor so all the parents put up some prize money, Sean came up with 3 suitable tasks and Andrew filmed it for us. I think about 11 of us entered and we had to:

  1. Swim out to the anchor buoy and back again.
  2. Consume a shot of vodka followed by some foul concoction.
  3. Eat raw lula (calamari) and raw boerewors.

The first one was fine. Everybody who entered made it. It was a far swim and very tiring but it wasn't a race or anything so we could take as long as we wanted.

One or two people struggled with the second task. We had to down a shot of vodka and then sip a mixture of lemon barley, fanta, tobasco, milk, etc through a straw. Yuck! I actually found the task OK though. After the shot of vodka the rest seemed pretty tasteless! (Thank Goodness!) Only one person dropped out in this round.

The third task took its toll! Several of the contestants were hanging, after having only got to bed at 7am, and so I think they were at an added disadvantage. This task was timed so the person who ate a piece of raw calamari and a piece of raw boerewors in the fastest time won. And guess what? Yours truly managed it in 7 seconds and took home the prize!! I have to say it wasn't the tastiest thing I've ever eaten but it wasn't as bad as it sounds!

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© 2004, by Robs