Please take a moment to answer our Enterprise-E Poll. Final results will be posted soon!

Enterprise-E Poll #4
What did you notice about the Enterprise-E in Insurrection?

What happened the quantum torpedoes?!
MY joystick is cooler than the Enterprise's!
Even WITHOUT a warp core it can still beat the snot out of bad guys!

Current Results
Current Results

Do you have a suggestion for a NCC-1701E Poll? Please let us know!


Archived Poll Results

Enterprise-E Poll #1
What's your opinion of the Enterprise-E?
Just a Voyager wannabe/lookalike 0%
The D was better 14%
The Ultimate Ship of the Line 86%

Enterprise-E Poll #2
Who should lead the battle against the Dominion?
The Enterprise-E 44%
The Defiant 21
Wesley piloting a shuttlecraft 35%

Enterprise-E Poll #3
How great will the Enterprise-E be in Insurrection?
Nothing but particles left of the enemy 36%
Well, not much at all because they set the self-destruct sequence... AGAIN. 27%
The Enterprise-E gets carried away and destroy all villians of Star Trek leaving NO room for other movies or TV series 36%
