by Georgette GSS921@aol.com

This editorial will be short and sweet!

First, thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers when my father was hospitalized! He is home now and back to his old self!

At this time of year when the weather should be getting colder (it's not here) and the feeling is more and more or giving, I would like to remind everyone who
can (even if it's only a dollar or two) to send something to Mitch Longley's charity (SOWOHO) because I am sure that he could use it. I am trying to find if
there is anything else he needs (toys, gifts, etc.) and if and when I find out I'll pass it along.

P. O. Box 1166
Darien, CT 06820

I would like to wish all those who believes in Christmas a very Merry Christmas!

I would like to wish everyone who is Jewish a very Happy Hannukah!

All those who have other faiths I wish you happiness in your beliefs!

And to all, I wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year!

Also, please keep our service personnel in your thoughts and prayers (I do mean all of them) especially those that are away from home this Holiday.

Happy New Year!

(The next editorial will be my take on the new ELLEN!)

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