
Most Likely to: Be one of the first goddesses to graduate Protheus Academy with a Sports Scholorship.

Clubs and Activities: Captain of the girls softball team, wresting team, field hockey team, etc..

Quotes: "Do I look like I care?"

Bia, Goddess of Force and Power, third child of Styx and Pallas and constant cynic. She is definitely her daddy's girl, captain of the softball team, wresting team, field hockey team, etc.. You know the type, the one girl on the football team who could quite easily wipe the floor with any of her male peers, forcefully opposed to anything "girly" and with an attitude that would make a sour apple look sweet.. She loves to pick on her younger brother, and constantly challenge her older one to various tests of strength and endurance. Not the most pleasant member of her family by a long shot, but probably the only one who doesn't constantly view the world through cherry colored specs. In fact the only time she drops her "world class bitch" act is around Dromey's younger brother. It's rather entertaining when he's around actually, because you can watch the poor girl fall all over herself in sordid attempts to act feminine. Shes a fairly good student, having to keep her grades up to continue in her sport like activities, and has a thing for giving Herc noogies.

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