
Most likely to: "Marry Cassandra, live in a really cool treehouse, and eat cheese." -Icarus

Clubs and Activities: Future Aviators Club

Quote: "Nonono! Really! Oh buddy! Maybe I could be like, ya know, your sidekick. You know, like 'Sidekick guy'! Like uh, if a bad guy needs to take a hostage, well.. that could be ME!"

The court of peer group public opinion has judged Icarus and found him to be WEIRD. Although our series will brim over with fantastic, unreal phenomenon, teen life will not suddenly become fair. In spite of all his efforts, Icarus will remain an outcast and not be able to shake his Greek geek label. The simple explanation for his cloud cuckoo attitude is that the boy "flew too close to the sun." His hair is fried, but it goes deeper than that. Like to his brain.

Where Hercules is a straight arrow, Icarus is bent. They're both misfits in High School, but since Herc is the new kid, Icarus seizes the opportunity to come off as the expert to someone with even less social standing. Naturally, his "expert" advice comes in two flavors, wrong and dangerously wrong.

Icarus and Herc, along with the brooding Cassandra, form an unlikely trio of high school friends. While Herc's optimism and Cassandra's pessimism are natural extremes in point of view, we add Icarus to provide the unnatural extreme. He's loopy, unpredictable and a thrill junkie. The wax wings were just the beginning.

When it comes to wild stunts, Icarus has the will. He also has the way. His father is Daedelus, the legendary craftsman/inventor of Greek lore. Those wings we discussed? One of his best inventions, except for the whole melting wax thing. The Minotaur's labyrinth? That was one of his. He's even taken on some real hush-hush projects for Sparta's industrial-military complex. Icarus has some wacky/dangerous stuff at his disposal, and, of course, he never pays attention to "Dad-alus's instructions and/or warnings."

Icarus is truly, madly, deeply in love with Cassandra. Accent on the "madly." And even though Cassandra answers his honey with acid, beneath her sarcasm she is protective of her goofy paramour.

What does Phil think of Herc's new friend? "I got two words kid: drop him like a bad habit." He sees Icarus's try-anything-once attitude as the ultimate risk to his careful training regimen. But we'll probably have Icarus save Phil's tail early on so the coach is forced to tolerate him, even as he still skewers him with sarcastic asides.

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