Kim's Realm

Hi my name is Kim.  This is a home page dedicated to my interests.  As you can see I have many and this is just a bit of an introduction to them.  I hope you enjoy.

My Pokemon's Name Is ???
Water Dragon

Adopt and evolve a pokemon here: ADoPT-A-PoKeMoN!

To the left is Ted Raimi.  My favorite actor.  He played Lt. Tim O'Neil on the show Sea Quest.  The picture to the left is him in his uniform, isn't he cute!!  Well he has had some minor roles in major films and major roles in minor films.  Nowadays you can find him on the hit show Xena Warrior Princess.  He plays a clumsy warrior-wannabe named Joxer the Mighty.  He is a bit on the stupid side, but he is still cute

This little guy in one of the many pokemon you see everywhere.  Its name is Flareon.  It is a fire type pokemon and one of my favorites.  My favorite of course is Vaporeon (water type to the left) another form of the basic pokemon Eevee.  The third way Eevee evolves is into an electric pokemon  named Jolteon. 

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