All WAV Files are copyrighted by ŠPlanet NSYNC

All these WAV Files on my site were created by me and may not be used for anyother website without my permission. I ask that you DO NOT TAKE THESE FILES and use them for your own. If you'd like to use some of these files for your webpage e-mail me first and i might let you use them. E-Mail Me

Sounds of MMC (the Mickey Mouse Club)

Sounds of NSYNC

Sounds from the Mickey Mouse Club

Sounds of Tony Lucca

Sounds of Christina Aguilera

Sounds of Britney Spears

Sounds of Mylin Brooks

Sounds of Terra "Deva" McNair

Sounds of The Party & Buzzfly

Sounds of Blain Carson

If you have any .WAV Files you'd like to donate for my site please send them to me at: E-Mail Me

All WAV files are ŠPlanetNybabeInc.All Rights Reserved.