9 Marilyn Monroe Death Theories
1) Cause of Death: Probable suicide
According to: Los Angeles County medical examiner Thomas Noguchi, county coroner Theodore J. Curphey, and the suicide Investigation team appointed by Curphey in 1962
Who was behind it: Only Marilyn
Why: Despondent over her fading movie career, she OD'd on barbiturates

)Cause of Death: Accidental
According to: Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe(1985)by Anthony Summers
Who was behind it: Bobby Kennedy, brother-in-law Peter Lawford, and the FBI. They hushed up the awful truth about her Kennedy affairs. Dumped by Bobby, a depressed Marilyn accidentally overdosed, and a cover up was orchestrated to clean out all incriminating material from her home. Key missing items: her diary, which  supposedly contained security-sensitive info.
Why:To avoid ruinous scandal.

Cause of Death: Murder
According to: The Strange death of Marilyn Monroe(1964) by ultraright wing, red-baiting journalist and author Frank A.Capell
Who was behind it: Bobby Kennedy, with the help of the "Communist Conspiracy".
Why: He feared she would go public about their affair.

Cause of Death: Murder
According to: Who Killed Marilyn? (1976) by Tony Sciacca
Who was behind it: Fidel Castro
Why: Getting revenge for exploding cigars and other CIA assassination attempts by framing Bobby Kennedy for the murder. (Apparently, Bobby managed to cover up any evidence).

Cause of Death: Murder
According to: Double Cross(1992) by Sam and Chick Giancana, godson and brother, resectively, of Chicage boss Sam "Mooney" Giancana.
Who was behind it: The CIA and the Mob, through Mooney, who hired hitman Needles Gianola, Mugsy Tortorella, and two others to insert a lethal suppository into an already drugged out Marilyn.
why: CIA motive: Supposed CIA operative Monroe had become a security risk. Mob motive: To stop Kennedy administration attacks on organized crime by attempting to frame Bobby for the murder.

Cause of Death: Murder
According to: The Marilyn Files(1992) by Robert F. Slatzer
Who was behind it: Dr. Ralph Greenson,her psychiatrist. In one of the books more imaginative conjectures, an ambulance driver claims he saw Greenson give a lethal injection to the comatose Marilyn. (Greenson died in 1979).
Why: Smitten with his patient, Greenson killed her out of jealousy and contributed to an elaborate cover-up.

Cause of Death: Murder
According to: Marilyn: The Last Take(1992)by Peter Harry Brown and Patte B. Barnham
Who was behind it: Bobby Kennedy, Lawfor, Twentieth Century Fox publicists and the secret service helped the cover-ups.
Why: Bobby feared she would go public about their affair.

Cause of Death: Muder
According to:The Murder of Marilyn Monroe(1992) by Leonore Canevari, Jeanette van Wyhe, Christian Dimas, and Rachel Dimas, who conducted interviews with the ghosts of Marilyn Monroe, Lawford, and others during a 1990 seance sessions.
Who was behind it: Bobby Kennedy and the FBI. Marilyn's spirit names her killers, "Dave....Tony....Phil"--an FBI agent and two mobsters. Lawfords ghost flirts, while JFK's and RFK's have "no comment".
Why: Monroe threatened to tell all at a press conference.

Cause of Death: None;she is still alive.
According to: Supermarket tabloid Sun,in a 1990 story.
Who was behind it: JFK, RFK and George Hayden(an 82 year old intellegence officer), who kidnapped  a drugged and brainwashed Monroe to Australia, where, as Barbara, she now lived "the simple life of a sheep ranchers wife").
Why: That press conference again!
These are from an article in Entertainment Weekly in 1992.