(Terry - Mary E. WRIGHT )

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This website was created by Mark Anthony Blais
You can email me HERE!

This site was last updated on
Wednesday, 17-December-2008

I created this website so those who are interested could see what research I have done so far. I am constantly updating the information as I obtain it. If you can add or correct any of the information that you find on this site please let me know.

The accuracy of this information is questionable. I have obtained this information from various sources on the internet and from other family members. I have only recently began tracking down the documentation to validate all of my information.

I'd like to say a special thank you to the following people who have helped me out by contributing a lot of the information you'll find on this site.

Nancy Blinn
Kris Gilbert - Be sure to check out her website at kristory.com
Shirley Multhauf
Leif Nordenstrom

Marks Genealogy Research
Indexed by Surname
Marks Favorite Links
Marks Family Photos About Me - Once I figure myself out I'll share it with you.

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