This is the section of my site where I tell you how the pokémon was created. I'm still missing some, so if you have any ideas, please let me know.

Thanks to my cousins for helping me out with this.

Name Explanation
001. Bulbasaur A kid's science experiment gone wrong. The kid tried to create an animal that was part plant by sewing a plant on a frog's back.
002. Ivysaur The frog/plant combo grew.
003. Venusaur It grew some more.
004. Charmander A poor lizard got its tail lit on fire by a mean person.
005. Charmeleon The lizard grew, but the fire wouldn't go out.
006. Charizard The lizard decided to grow some wings so it could fan air onto its tail to make it go out.
007. Squirtle A turtle held its breath too long and turned blue.
008. Wartortle The turtle grew weird things on the sides of its head. It was too stupid to stop holding its breath, so it became a deeper colour of blue.
009. Blastoise The turtle ate too many poké-snacks and got obese.
010. Caterpie ?
011. Metapod ?
012. Butterfree ?
013. Weedle This bug was so stupid that they decided to superglue the dunce cap on its head.
014. Kakuna ?
015. Beedrill A bee liked power tools so much, it turned partway into one.
016. Pidgey ?
017. Pidgeotto ?
018. Pidgeot ?
019. Rattata ?
020. Raticate ?
021. Spearow ?
022. Fearow ?
023. Ekans A snake ate a bit too much and got chubby.
024. Arbok The snake was too lazy to go on a diet, so it got 2 Machoke to stretch it out.
025. Pikachu A mouse chewed on too many power lines.
026. Raichu ?
027. Sandshrew ?
028. Sandslash ?
029. Nidoran(female) ?
030. Nidorina poison
031. Nidoqueen ?
032. Nidoran(male) ?
033. Nidorino ?
034. Nidoking ?
035. Clefairy A wad of abandoned bubble gum that developed sentience.
036. Clefable Someone pulled on Clefairy trying to get it off the bottom of the seat.
037. Vulpix A fox's sister decided to try becoming a hairdresser.
038. Ninetales A bad day at the dog groomer's.
039. Jigglypuff A pink party balloon came to life.
040. Wigglytuff The party balloon tried to look like a rabbit.
041. Zubat Someone poked out a bat's eyes and cut off its feet.
042. Golbat The bat grew them back.
043. Oddish Yes, tennis balls do start growing if they've been lost in the garden long enough.
044. Gloom ?
045. Vileplume ?
046. Paras A bug decided to grow his own food, but couldn't find a garden.
047. Parasect A mushroom decided to grow its own seafood.
048. Venonat It didn't run out from under my bed, honest!
049. Venomoth ?
050. Diglett ?
051. Dugtrio ?
052. Meowth Some kid glued a coin to their cat's forehead.
053. Persian When the cat and the kid both got older, they decided that it was tachy, so they replaced the gold with a ruby.
054. Psyduck ?
055. Golduck ?
056. Mankey Primeape's little brother
057. Primeape A big monkey got the worse end of a fight with a blow-dryer
058. Growlithe ?
059. Arcanine ?
060. Poliwag ?
061. Poliwhirl ?
062. Poliwrath ?
063. Abra ?
064. Kadabra ?
065. Alakazam ?
066. Machop A kid who liked martial arts too much.
067. Machoke The kid when he was older.
068. Machamp The kid on steroids.
069. Bellsprout ?
070. Weepinbell ?
071. Victreebell A pitcher plant had too much fertilizer.
072. Tentacool ?
073. Tentacruel ?
074. Geodude A rock got tired of the same old scenery, so it grew arms so it could move around.
075. Graveler ?
076. Golem ?
077. Ponyta A horse escaped from a barbecue party.
078. Rapidash A unicorn escaped from a barbecue party.
079. Slowpoke A sun-burned hippo.
080. Slowbro The hippo got too close to a conch shell.
081. Magnemite ?
082. Magneton ?
083. Farfetch'd ?
084. Doduo A bird was strangely mutated.
085. Dodrio The bird was on steroids.
086. Seel ?
087. Dewgong ?
088. Grimer I never knew those things under my bed had a name!
089. Muk ?
090. Shellder A clam is shy, but sometimes rude.
091. Cloyster ?
092. Gastly ?
093. Haunter ?
094. Gengar ?
095. Onix Geodude built a snake to keep him company.
096. Drowzee ?
097. Hypno ?
098. Krabby ?
099. Kingler A crab on steroids.
100. Voltorb a pokéball got caught in a lightning storm.
101. Electrode ?
102. Exeggcute My little brother painted faces on the easter eggs.
103. Exeggutor Someone painted faces on a palm tree.
104. Cubone ?
105. Marowak ?
106. Hitmonlee ?
107. Hitmonchan ?
108. Lickitung The ancestors of the dogs who lick your face too much.
109. Koffing ?
110. Weezing ?
111. Rhyhorn ?
112. Rhydon ?
113. Chansey Someone crossed a kangaroo with a pink party balloon.
114. Tangela A small kid got trapped in the jungle vines, and came out like this.
115. Kangaskhan An armor plated kangaroo.
116. Horsea ?
117. Seadra A seahorse figured out how to use styling gel.
118. Goldeen ?
119. Seaking ?
120. Staryu ?
121. Starmie ?
122. Mr. Mime The husband of the opera singer, also beaten. (see Jynx.)
123. Scyther A weed-whacker gone mad.
124. Jynx An opera singer who was severely beaten with an ugly stick.
125. Electabuzz ?
126. Magmar ?
127. Pinsir ?
128. Tauros ?
129. Magikarp ?
130. Gyarados ?
131. Lapras ?
132. Ditto A melted mirror.
133. Eevee A dog who shrunk, but whose fur didn't. That's why he's so poofy.
134. Vaporeon The dog was drowned.
135. Jolteon The dog stuck its tongue in a light socket.
136. Flareon The poor dog was lit on fire.
137. Porygon The nightmare of a student cramming for the geometry exam.
138. Omanite A big sea snail.
139. Omastar A big, angry sea snail.
140. Kabuto ?
141. Kabutops ?
142. Aerodactyl ?
143. Snorlax ?
144. Articuno Your frozen chicken dinners have come back to haunt you.
145. Zapdos A bird flew into the power lines once too many.
146. Moltres A bird was set on fire.
147. Dratini ?
148. Dragonair ?
149. Dragonite ?
150. Mewtwo ?
151. Mew A small cat was painted pink.

Of you were wondering how I came up with this, I was goofing around with my cousins and we made up these explanations. They suggested I put them on my page, so I did. There ya go.