A Tribute To
                 * Eugene *

Although this name might sound innocent.  Let me tell you. It isnt. This guy had the nerve to say I had no life. Of course someone who spends every waking moment online, or on the phone might sound like they dont have a life. But I really do.
I mean...he's the one who calls me! I dont even have his number! (Okay...maybe I do...but how often do I use it huh Eugene?  Yea, hes adorable with his facial hair. And I can call and bitch bout life cause basically, he's my bitch buddy. But he was sooo mean to me =(
*Am I making you feel sorry for me yet?*
Well, if not...oh well. Now I can praise him and tell you what hes really like....I suppose.
He's one of those guys you can talk to for hours...cause he doesnt say much. SO I blab, and blab about my lovelife, and what does he do? He listens. But does he fix it? NO.
Although...he did try by snapping his fingers once or twice...but his "Eugene Magic" still didnt do anything.
Um...thats about all, besides the wall dedicated to Kurt Cobain in his bedroom, there isnt much else about Eugene that you would notice. Although Eugene's kick ass webpage is online, I'm debating if I should give you the address...cause do I really want him to have a lot of traffic? I think not. But oh well...here it is 
www.geocities.com/something eugene.com

Alright...since theres a big ole blank space here I guess I could tell you some usless stuff that you may never need to know unless you're smart enough to get onto who wants to be a millionaire.
Did you know that you can die from having 20 orgasms in an hour.
Why does 7-11 have locks on the doors? When asked this question the store clerk simply gave me a strange look, and walked inside like I was about to rob him. *Hey...it was like 3am* And why isnt it called 7-24?
Also when going to a local 76 station the guy outside *let me add he was cute* was watering the concrete. Why? I asked...I said something like "You know, the ground doesnt grow. So why are you watering the ground?" He replied, "I'm washing the pavement off." Well, I thought he could have at least played along...but NO....so me and Ta bought soda anyways for our long journey *an hour* to Santa Barbara California to meet my now cutie pie.
So, I think thats about all...*Sorry Eugenie for taking up your page....but hey! Its mine anyways!!!!*

E-mail me for more stupid info