Dragonesss_1's Home Page
Being me I have always but the cart before the horse, so why should this page be any different? Well its not... I had almost finished all of my page on this site and then I got an idea and decied to change the opening page so now you go here to an unfinished page and then go to the finished ones... that's me : )
so please click on the faerie below and go to the old opening page and view the rest of my pages... and please come back and see what the whole thing looks like when done... I hope you'll like it.. and please keep your fingers crossed that I can build the page the way I want....
Thank you Dragonesss_1.. Shiree
Comming soon {I hope} the nursery.. I've put my applacation in to adopt some Hatchlings.. want to see how its going click here... I'm picking out the wallpaper and baby things.. do baby dragons need pascifiers?

Coming soon my adopted pets page, take the flying carpet to see my new pets
since we all could use alittle extra money click here to see how to get paid of surfing the web..I don't get any money if you click on this banner.. but you could earn money so try it and tell me how it works..
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