Copyright 2005-2008 All Rights Reserved.

Compatible with TomTom
GO Classic, 3/5/700 Series,
5/7/910 Series, ONE, Rider,
Navigator, Pocket PC, Palm
and Mobiles .

Author of first ever South East Asian voices for TomTom Navigation systems.
OK, you want to make your own TomTom Voices.

Softwares you need:

Create a new folder tomtomvoices on your C:\ drive.
Download these "FREE" software and save it to tomtomvoices

What's the deal?

First you need to record 59 voice files in
"OGG Vorbis format,
22,050 Hz bitrate" (16,000 Hz for Mobiles)
using Audacity which MUST have the following names & should sound the same as the name as next to it.
Then you need to convert VIF format using Viftool.  
simple as that!!

Did you know!
TomTom combines 3 or 4  files from the following 59  and makes a sentences for your route.

  1. 2ndLeft.ogg ------------------>> Take the second left
  2. 2ndRight.ogg --------------->> Take the second right
  3. 3rdLeft.ogg ------------------>> Take the third left
  4. 3rdRight.ogg --------------->> Take the third right
  5. 50.ogg ------------------------->> 50
  6. 80.ogg ------------------------->> 80
  7. 100.ogg ----------------------->> 100
  8. 200.ogg ----------------------->> 200
  9. 300.ogg ----------------------->> 300
  10. 400.ogg ----------------------->> 400
  11. 500.ogg ----------------------->> 500
  12. 600.ogg ----------------------->> 600
  13. 700.ogg ----------------------->> 700
  14. 800.ogg ----------------------->> 800
  15. After.ogg ---------------------->> After
  16. AhExit.ogg ------------------->> Exit ahead
  17. AhExitLeft.ogg ------------->> ahead, Exit left
  18. AhExitRight.ogg ---------->> ahead, Exit right
  19. AhFerry.ogg ---------------->> Ferry ahead
  20. AhKeepLeft.ogg ---------->> Ahead, keep left
  21. AhKeepRight.ogg -------->> Ahead, keep right
  22. AhLeftTurn.ogg ----------->> Left turn ahead
  23. AhRightTurn.ogg -------->> Right turn ahead
  24. AhUTurn.ogg -------------->> U-turn ahead
  25. Arrive.ogg ------------------>> You have reached your destination
  26. BearLeft.ogg -------------->> Bear left
  27. BearRight.ogg ----------->> Bear right
  28. Charge.ogg ---------------->> Congestion charge
  29. Depart.ogg ----------------->> Depart
  30. KeepLeft.ogg ------------->> Keep left
  31. KeepRight.ogg ---------->> Keep right
  32. LnLeft.ogg ----------------->> Stay in the left lane
  33. LnRight.ogg -------------->> Stay in the right lane
  34. Meters.ogg --------------->> Metres
  35. MwEnter.ogg ------------>> Take the motorway
  36. MwExit.ogg -------------->> Leave the motorway
  37. MwExitLeft.ogg -------->> Leave the motorway at the exit on the left
  38. MwExitRight.ogg ----->> Leave the motorway at the exit on the right
  39. RbBack.ogg ------------->> Go around the roundabout
  40. RbCross.ogg ----------->> Cross the roundabout
  41. RbExit1.ogg ------------>> First exit
  42. RbExit2.ogg ------------>> Second exit
  43. RbExit3.ogg ------------>> Third exit
  44. RbExit4.ogg ------------>> Fourth exit
  45. RbExit5.ogg ------------>> Fifth exit
  46. RbExit6.ogg ------------>> Sixth exit
  47. RbLeft.ogg -------------->> Go left on the roundabout
  48. RbRight.ogg ----------->> Go right on the roundabout
  49. RoadEnd.ogg --------->> At the end of the road
  50. SharpLeft.ogg -------->> Sharp left
  51. SharpRight.ogg ------>> Sharp right
  52. Straight.ogg ----------->> Go straight on
  53. TakeFerry.ogg ------->> Take the ferry
  54. Then.ogg --------------->> Then
  55. TryUTurn.ogg -------->> Turn around when possible
  56. TurnLeft.ogg ---------->> Turn left
  57. TurnRight.ogg ------->> Turn Right
  58. UTurn.ogg ------------->> Make a U-turn
  59. Yards.ogg ------------->> Yards

TomTom Voices
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