Greetings, and welcome to my Lair. Delightful little place, isn't it? I thought so. Well then, make yourself at home...relax, pull up a chair. You may as well...after all, you're going to be here for quite a long time. I assure you... No mortal has escaped me...yet... |
Beware!! Here there be dragons! The Dragon Riders Tavern...a little place to see my finest dragons and thier riders and, if you're feeling friendly, to talk with other dragon enthusaists in the area... |
The Holodeck For my Science Fiction friends...a place to see new dimensions, "explore strange new worlds and civilizations, to boldy go, where no man has gone before..." |
Treasure Room Just some assorted trinkets, and odd-n-ends, that I've aquired over the years from here and there... |
Library Come on in and relax a bit by the fireplace, while you immerse yourself in new worlds.
Currently, this just holds my novel in the works, although with outside author support, I hope to add more stories in here~! |
The Portal- Transporting you to the gateways of various other exciting sites on the web.
*Attention All Authors!! For this site to be of best use and amusement, I wish to put up fantasy/science fiction short stories, fan fic, novelles etc... HOWEVER, I cannot do this without YOU, the writer/ net surfer. I'm asking for submissions of your work. This can only benefit you, as I WILL give you, the writer, absolute credit for your work.(Provided you have given me your name...Im not going to track people down) Please sumbit your work with its title, your name, and any disclaimers you wish me to post. I'll review your story and see what section it fits in, then notify you of where I've put it on my site. PLEASE submit work to me, so I can make this a more pleasureable site. ~Thank You~! -WebMistress, Alexandria |
Sumbit works to my E-mail address HERE |
*Disclaimer All pictures, (including icons and buttons) here, I have gotten from various places, stating that the pictures were free, and to be used freely on websites. IF however, you see a picture here that is yours and does not belong, and you wish it removed, please contact me at the Email address below and I will take care of the matter as soon as possible. Thank you for your Cooperation, ~WebMistress, Alexandria |
Comments, Suggestions, Complaints....? Email me here : |
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