My mission:
In my Human Sexuality class, we anonymously turned in questions we had about the opposite sex.   My professor compiled them into two lists and passed them back to us.   I'm determined to get answers to each of these questions in a quest I call......
Questions girls had for the guys
Questions guys had for girls
The Sexperts

Dr. Drew

Dr. Ruth

The Sunday Night Sex Show (Sue Johanson)

The J-Spot (Jay Friedman)
The Neccessities

The Condom Game

How To Have Good Sex

The Stile Project
Free Stuff

Trojan Free Sample

InnerWear Sample

Free Trojan Lube

Free Simplex Sample
Email or IM me (GuitrChika) your questions/answers/comments
The old days... Semeniferous
I got a message board for all of your questions, answers, and freak sexual occurances....