you live in the in betweens of my day and my night
my slumber and my rise
my ebb and my flow
i visit you to escape from the me i've become
to change
to go back in time
to find the love i long for
you don't even have a name, or a face, or a job
just hands
and words
and music for my soul
i find you in the darkness and i find you in the pain
you are a thief
and an angel
my eden of sorts
but we can eat all the apples we want
someday i will stay for good and never come back
i'll live in the breath that comes from your lips
i'll let you re-name me
and re-invent me
and re-ceive me
you will enter me and live inside me and be with me
and i will close the blinds for good

*~break me~*
he thinks he can break me
with his words
with his fists
he thinks he took something pure from me
something sacred
but he's wrong
he is dreaming
he is fooling himself
he can't take anything away from me I'm not willing to give
not the real me, anyway
you can never take with force and pain
you steal nothing
you leave empty
you scar yourself
he is scarred deep
i can see his sins a mile away
he will never shake it
it will shadow him forever
i will heal
i will walk
i will love
i will survive
he can never break me

*~go on and shine~*
shy little one
brighter than the wishing star
fearing the world
and all that it could take away
beautiful blue eyes
burning through all the pain
whispering your longing
and all that it could give to you
my secret dream
lasting longer than any mere memory
of what came before
and all that it was supposed to be
open up slowly
embracing the love that surrounds
taking that fateful chance
and all that it seems to promise
my only love
stronger than anyone in this world
haunting my dreams
and all that it means to me
