*~just to run~*
he bought a ticket on a sunny monday
without thought or planning
just to see where he could go
they held him back so far from truth
and how he was supposed to be
this is his life
he repeats it over and over in his head
whispers it as he walks
all their ideas
they look great on paper
on a calendar of time
without feeling
he needs more and he needs less
he needs something undefineable
approval is all grand
comfort can suffice for awhile
but is that all there is
he never went anywhere farther than the corner store
or to the house
of his supposed future
she looks like an angel
she fits into everything
made to order
but so far off from what he dreams
he loves her
he is sure of that
or so he keeps convincing himself
and everyone else
she's the one
he reminds himself over and again
it doesn't tast
as good as the unknown
or a sandwich in some roadside diner

off the 58 highway
with a book and a pad of paper
and wonder
he left that same day
in the heat of the week
filled with people rushing to work
they will say about him
he never made sense
she will console herself
with nonsense and reasonings
miles would hit before she even knew
he was gone
he felt the excitement pulsing thru him
embarking on himself
betting on a non-sure-thing
smiling as the deal hits
maybe now it will all sound right
fitting in a box
neatly on a dotted line
it doesn't make you come
not like this
passion is so ever fleeting
chasing after it is the way
he felt the wheels turn
the breeze blow
moving and shaking and twisting and beating
now this is arousal
a stranger to the masses
so new and so malleable
able to become anything
isn't this what you work for
the ability to run like hell
just for the sake of running
