my words
ten years ago i walked on a cloud
built together by denial
a haze of chemicals and second-yes's
i was a shadow of my younger self
ivory skinned and sullen
giving way too much of my skin
sipping down valiums with espresso lattes
looking for the experience of a twirl in the backseat
trying to paste it together into something i needed
making nameless faceless bodies
become something i'd write home about
though somedays i ran around barefoot in the grass
in your backyard
at the house where my summer memories lay
where i could breathe and remember without flinching
and you still saw me as an angel
i miss that house on arden drive
how i could hide out on that big brown chair
by the window
sleep away regret and hangovers and loathing
while you flipped the pages of the daily news
listening to old radio shows
rocking back and forth
i think if i drove by i would still smell the tea
and your peppermint breath
still feel a sense of home and innocence
be able to feel you around the pansies and the oak tree
know that no matter what you saw
you saw good
in me

*~june 26, 2000~*