FDL 60 Maintenance Check List

This is a maintenance and quick set-up list. It is recommended this

list be checked every 6 months or as needed.


1. Clean all rollers and capstan with alcohol, including rollers in

optical block gate. This is important to prevent the build up of wax

from positive prints. When cleaning check for frozen or binding

bearings. Clean particle roller with water and let dry, replace


2. When the capstan roller becomes hard and slick it should be

replaced for best picture stability and precise frame counting. P/N

for wide/narrow grooved roller is F2-131900-195. P/N for wide/wide

grooved roller is F2-131900-038. To replace: remove Audio housing.

Swing audio pick-up arm up, turn allen screw on capstan shaft,

replace capstan.. Tighten arm and replace audio housing.

3. Tension arms should not have any play at end stops. If loose,

loosen metric Allen screw on end of arm and Allen screw at pivot

point. Tighten screw at end (2.5mm), then at pivot (4mm).

4. Check for worn or broken clips on core platters and reel platters

on FDLs with separate core and reel platters. Clip P/N is


5. Clean optics in front and rear. It is best to blow dust off

often, than to wait and have to wipe the glass surface and possibly

scratch the surface. When dust is baked on from lamp heat and can

not be blown off. Clean with a liquid lens cleaner and/or distilled water and soft lint free cloth, like Texwipe. Blow off dust on rear lens when cool to

prevent lens from cracking. Check ND wheel and IR filter for cracks,

replace if needed. If ND wheel needs replacing, be sure to wind

split spring gear on ND motor four gear teeth before installing. If

this is not done, the ND wheel will oscillate and chatter. If using

a FDL with 115V lamp, clean mirror in lamp box in front also. Remove

the condenser lens before removing front cover. Mirror in lamp box is front surface and can be scratch easily.

6. Check lamp sockets for pitting or burn marks, replace if severely

pitted or burned. P/N for 24V lamp socket is F3-116900-014. P/N for

115V lamp socket is F3-116900-012. With the 24V Lamp: When removing

use caution not to lose the two spacing washers on each hold down

screw. For wiring: cut the two wires and solder on new socket. Cover

splice with shrink tubing. P/N for two Lamp Socket with the molex

connector is F0-000991-016. With this part no splicing is needed. Molex pin P/Ns F3-130390-024 and P/N F3-130390-025

7. Clean filters located under the power and frame store rack.

These are remove from the front after removing 2 screws holding the

cover strip. Filters can be cleaned with soap and water. Replace if

needed. Failure to clean will cause FDL to over heat. Bottom Air filers P/N F1-011450-002.

8. Check all cooling fans: one on the audio rack, two on the

Digital/Store rack, one on top of the FDL, one on the Lamp House and

the grain reducer's ventilation fans. Bad bearings can cause picture instability Electronic Rack fan P/N F3-128200-016, Top power exhaust P/N F3-128200-012, Lamp house fan P/N F3-128200-018, TVU175 Fan P/N 59-011214-001

9. With the lens capped or standby off check DC voltage at

the FD221 Correction Amp TP Video Input. The DC voltage must be

+.2v to +.3v. If not set with Preamp DC position pot.


1. Power Supplies voltages should be checked. All Voltages should be

+/- .3 volts using a DVM.

Voltages of interchangeable Switching Supplies X5-24NG:
+15.5v,+15.5,+8.5,+8.5,+8.5,+8.5,-15.5v,-15.5v and the

+18.5v PS. Note the +18.5V PS may be labeled 24v.

The +5 volts on the FD234 Film Timer should be +5v -.0/+.1 volts.

Set with pot "+5V" on card.

2. Correction Amps. Gains - Blacks/CCD bias

a) With open gate, put unit in standby, press play 24FPS forward for

30 seconds to warm lamp.

b) Remove from Standby and do FPN (Fix Pattern Noise) correction.

c) Observe Preamps on WFM while FPNing, all channels must be

between 60 and 100 IRE. If not make needed adjustments/changes.

Several items can cause gain levels to be out of range: Old

discolored lamps; Autowhite pot on BLK/WHITE card set too high,

set for 98 in green during FPNing; Red and Blue Preamp gains set

too high or low, set to 90; also if the lamp house alignment is

off, set for maximum flat light in all three channels.

d) Put in standby, play at 24FPS forward in positive mode.

e) Observe Preamp position on WFM. Set Gain Knob for approximately

97 IRE units in Green's peak white. Red and Blue should be

approximately 10 IRE units lower in level (80-90).

f) Observe Correction amp on WFM, green should now be approximately

100 IRE. If not adjust with gain pot on the front of the Green

Correction Amp.

g) FPN and check level again.

h) Set Red and Blue correction Amp gains to the same level as Green.

i) FPN and check levels again.

j) If the white level is not flat and shading errors are more than

2 IRE units. Gain 3 pot on the appropriate Correction Amp can

be adjusted to minimize the shading errors. Looking at each

channel at the Correction Amp with the WFM in the IRE response

mode and the gain expanded. FPN and check level again.

CCD Bias:

1) Turn on TEST staircase signal on Video control panel.

2) Observe Main amp on WFM. Expand gain to see blacks. Set

black level knob so the bottom step is at same level as blanking.

3) Turn TEST signal off to the NORMAL operation mode.

4) Cap lens or turn standby off.

5) Adjust CCD Bias pot on the Correction Amp front panels so the

black levels are equal and at the same level as the blanking

black level.

5) If the black level is not flat. The ADJZERO pot on the Correction

Amps can be adjusted to minimize any shading errors.

FPN and check black level again.

3. Sprocket Wheel pulses.

Checking Pulses:

a) Place Sprocket Pulse Shaper card ( second card from right in

digital rack) on extender.

b) Use a dual trace scope to observe V-pulse and Ripple Pulse on

pins a26 and a25 of extender.

c) Thread up a good 16mm film, play at 24 FPS forward.

d) Check that the ripple pulse is near a 50% duty cycle.

e) Then trigger on V-pulse, use delayed sweep to observe edges of

the V-pulse. Leading and trailing edges must not coincide

with the ripple pulse edges. Use +/- trigger switch to observe

both edges.

Aligning pulses, for FD178 Sprocket pulses, without Super8 pulses.

If pulses are not correct or the capstan servo is not locking then:

a) Unplug lamp supply power cord.

b) Remove the cover from the Tacho wheel assembly.

c) Observe on scope pins 5 and 6 of Sprocket Pulse Wheel pickup card

(lugs with two white wires), V-pulse and Ripple Pulse.

d) Run 16mm film at 24 FPS Forward.

e) Adjust pot R23 OFFSET for 50% duty of Ripple Pulse with unit warm.

f) Adjust R20 (50K pot) for 50% duty cycle of V-pulse. Trigger on

V-pulse, use delayed sweep to observe edges of the V-pulse.

Leading and trailing edges must move when changing the

+/- trigger switch. Some scopes may need to be set to DC couple

on the trigger source select to observe this. R20 may be a fixed

36k resistor, if so change to 50k pot.

g) If leading or trailing edge coincides with the ripple pulse

edges. Stop the film and carefully loose the two screws that hold

the optic pick-up and slightly reposition it. Retighten and check

pulses. Repeat till correct. Use care not to scratch glass disc.

If replacing the optic pick-up check with PHILIPS service for any

updates that may apply.

Other useful part numbers:

Push button lamps 3-116300-108 14v 40ma

Interior dome Lamp P/N F3-116300-116 24V 18w Osram 6480

Capstan tacho lamp P/N F3-116300-021, a 6v 5w

Audio Meter lamp 185V 30 mA P/N F3-116300-000

Audio Exciter Lamp 6V 20W P/N F3-116400-054, ESB, Osram 64-2500

Spooling motor belts P/N F3-149900-390

Lamp 24V 250W P/N F1-000162-686, EHJ, Osram 64-655 HLX

Q201 IC P/N F3-114801-201 - Q207 IC P/N F3-114801-207

Bottom Air filers P/N F1-011450-002